Do you burn more calories when it’s hot? Ask an EP….

Do you burn more calories when it’s hot? Ask an EP….

Welcome to our new ‘Ask An Exercise Physiologist’ segment where we bust myths, answer questions and pass on valuable knowledge about health, fitness and exercise.

Today’s burning question:

  1. Do you burn more calories when it’s hot?
Elle Morrison: AEP & Pilates Instructor

Elle’s explains…

No! Sweating more and feeling more exertion due to heat doesn’t always mean muscles are using ‘more’ energy. Although we can feel like we are worker harder on hotter days, sweat isn’t the best way to gauge intensity. I’d suggest using something like a Heart Rate Monitor, a Rating of Perceived Exertion type score sheet or the ‘Talk Test’ (the harder you work, the more breathless you become and the harder it is to talk. Ask yourself if you can speak comfortably.  If the answer is yes, you’re at a low intensity.  If the answer is no, you’re at or above a Level 5 on the Rating Perceived Exertion Scale.)