Is summer over yet? I mean 40 degree + days on end.. really?? Isn’t really exercise enticing is it? I think not. However there are so many ways to work around it.
1. Take your land session to your pool
Did you know you can do the exact exercises you do in the gym and do them in the pool? In some cases it is even better for you, especially if you are experiencing pain. The water literally makes you weightless meaning no weight through the joints. Good for joints, cool and you don’t have to wear clothes (swimwear recommended if it is a public pool)
2.Go after dark!
Or before sunrise. Possibly the most beautiful times of day and much cooler, so during these months a much better option. There is no rule about exercise after dinner…. Night walks are bliss. Just stay safe and be aware that the pow wow might actually give you energy rather than making you want to sleep.
3.Head to the rainforest
Last weekend my husband and I went to Mt Glorious (40mins out of Brisbane) and did an hour walk through the rainforest. It was cool, shady and absolutely stunning. We are spoilt for choice in Australia so make the most of it.
4. If the gym isn’t air conditioned or you don’t like doing your cardio on a machine why not head to a shopping centre. They are always freezing cold and a lot of them open up super early for the keen walkers. It is safe and loads of people do it! Just don’t stop off at the bakery each lap..