How to be the diligent diabetic over Easter

How to be the diligent diabetic over Easter

Easter, like Christmas can be difficult for those managing diabetes, especially when one tradition seamlessly flows onto the next, thanks to the marketing gurus who find it necessary to start selling Easter eggs and hot cross buns in January!

One way of looking at this problem is to make a stand against consumerism and ignore their marketing pleas, saving any Easter festivities for the day itself, Easter Sunday. Obviously, eating two months’ worth of ‘lented’ chocolate on Easter Sunday is not advisable, as the diligent diabetic would practice portion control and mindful eating.

Getting your friends and family on board to help you through the temptations will make this time easier to manage. Organising Easter gatherings with healthy food options that are still within theme, means you can still enjoy the festivities and the coming together of family, without the adverse health ramifications. This blog has some great ideas on how to be creative with the easter theme, while keeping sugar level in check.

If you have diabetic children or simply can’t resist a chocky egg yourself, there are many sugar free alternatives to confectionary crammed bunnies and caramel oozing eggs, making managing blood glucose levels a lot easier. Just mind the laxative effect that sorbitol can have on the body!

Keeping up daily exercise will also do wonders in the BGL stakes over Easter and with the weather cooling down, daily walks and lounge room work outs are all the more enjoyable.

If you struggle with BGL management and want a long-term solutions to managing type 2 diabetes, Northside Allied Health run a Medicare funded holistic program incorporating exercise, dietary education and foot-care. The program is facilitated by an Accredited Exercise Physiologists with educational talks by an Accredited Dietitian and Podiatrist. Conveniently starting after Easter, the program runs for 8 weeks from 17th April at our Morayfield clinic. To find out more visit