The Benefits of Hydrotherapy
By Tim French, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Northside Allied Health
Do you remember as a child your mother running you a warm bath to improve coughs and colds? Turns out mother did know best, with new evidence supporting water therapy, aka- hydrotherapy as an aid for reducing the effects of respiratory and inflammatory diseases, including asthma.
Not that I am suggesting a warm bath equates a hydrotherapy session. Hydrotherapy is water based exercise performed in a heated pool that aids in rehabilitation and recovery of muscular injuries, joint pain and respiratory conditions like asthma.
For those who suffer from asthma, chronic cough, upper respiratory infections or pneumonia, warm pool hydrotherapy sessions, facilitated by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, can assist in opening the airways which in turn helps the circulation and distribution of white blood cells to affected areas.
With the added benefit of exercising in a safe and monitored environment, hydrotherapy promotes social interaction and psychological well-being and has also been shown to reduce stress levels and improve sleep; all important pieces of the wellness puzzle.
We do advise you to discuss any new exercise regime with your doctor before commencing and to engage a reputable exercise physiologist who understands your physical conditions and limitations to conduct the sessions.
So, if you do suffer from asthma or other respiratory condition, rather than expose yourself to the cold winter air, often a trigger of symptoms, consider sliding into a nice warm pool this winter and enjoy the benefits of hydrotherapy.
Northside Allied Health have a large team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists who are experienced in hydrotherapy treatment and focused on the best outcome for their patients. For more information on hydrotherapy and operating locations near you, visit the website
References-Medical benefits of hydrotherapy Elaine Moore